Gordon Research Conference on Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes for Glycan Conversions

Dates : July 21-26, 2019
Location : Proctor Academy, Andover, NH, USA

Meeting Description
The enzymes that deconstruct polysaccharides and in particular those of the plant cell wall Carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) transform diverse polysaccharides to renewable fuels, biochemicals, and bio-based materials, and are essential to the digestion of dietary glycans in food and feed. The expanding number of new CAZyme families relevant to plant biomass conversion motivated a small revision to the title of this successful conference established in 1999. The 2019 Gordon Research Conference, now titled “Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes for Glycan Conversions”, will present leading-edge research on this growing class of enzymes, which find applications in both industrial biotechnology and health sectors. The 2019 conference will offer exciting and complementary sessions on the enzymes and enzyme systems that transform land and aquatic polysaccharides via hydrolytic and oxidative mechanisms, with particular emphasis on protein-protein and protein-substrate interactions that influence bioconversion efficiency. Frontline research topics will cover latest insights into plant cell wall architecture that impact CAZyme action, enzyme cascades and multi-enzyme complexes from diverse natural habitats, emerging tools to accelerate CAZyme discovery and development, and novel applications of CAZymes in bio-based materials.

Application deadline
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by June 20, 2019. Apply early, as this meeting frequently become oversubscribed (full) before the deadline.

Preliminary Programme :
  Keynote Session : CAZymes from Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems (Michelle O’Malley / William Helbert)
  Plant Cell Walls and Implications to Their Bioconversion (Paul Dupree / Cecile Herve / Taku Demura/ Daniel Cosgrove)
  Enzyme Action on Intermolecular Linkages and Complex Carbohydrate Structures (Micheal Crowley/Lisbeth Olsson, Harry Brumer)
  Carbohydrate Active Enzyme Cascades from Diverse Habitats (Matthias Hess/ Phillip Pope/ Elizabeth Ficko-Blean/ Jan-Hendrik Hehemann)
  Multi-Enzyme Complexes in Nature and by Design (Raul Perez-Jimenez/ Yves Brier/ Steven Smith)
  Oxidative Enzymes and Their Partners (Bastien Bissaro/ Anna Karkonen/ David Cannella/ Aurore Labourel)
  Emerging Tools for CAZyme Discovery, Design and Development (Adrian Tsang/ Heather Mayes/ Anne Meyer)
  Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes for New Bio-Based Materials (Naoki Sunagawa/ Kaisa Marjamaa/ Peter Ciesielski)

For more information please visit the conference website : GRC

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