Polysaccharide-Utilization Loci DataBase (PULDB)PULDB describes Polysaccharide Utilization Loci (PULs) experimentally characterized in the literature, but also 76,135 PUL predictions in 2,300 Bacteroidetes species.A PUL is a set of physically-linked genes organized around a susCD gene pair. PULs are prevalent in the Bacteroidetes phylum. They provide an evolutionary advantage to these species by orchestrating the breakdown of complex glycans thanks to the encoded CAZymes. Please note that our PUL prediction tool tends to predict more PULs with multiple tandem susCD pairs than what is seen in experimentally determined cases. |
Citing PULDBA new reference for PULDB ! In the 2018 database issue of Nucleic Acids Research, we summarize the many changes that have occurred in the PULDB during the previous two years. To refer the prediction method |
Note: [Fn], [Fc] and [F] indicate a possibly fragmented gene (e.g. a missing signal peptide or an incomplete catalytic module) at N- or C-terminus or both/undetermined, respectively, and [EC] denotes functional characterization of the gene in the litterature (EC number assigned by CAZy curators). |