Welcome to the Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes Database

The September 2024 update of CAZy

This month, we officialized one novel Polysaccharide Lyase family, PL44, as well as three novel carbohydrate binding modules families : CBM104, CBM105 and CBM106.
PL44, CBM105 and CBM106 notably arose from the works of Profs Changhu Xue and Yaoguang Chang group (Ocean University of China, Qingdao), who gave an amazing talk in the last CBM15 conference in Ghent (Belgia).

CAZy now offers a platform facility that provides either automatic annotation or human curation services for your data.

The fully automatic annotation is to provide users with high quality and most up-to-date results.
However, since automatic annotation is never error-free, and while we are working at constantly improving our pipeline, a "human curation" service also exists for the highest-quality analyses.
Because human curation requires expertise and time, and because such resources are limited, a query for human curation will have to be validated by the CAZy scientific committee.
If you are interested, please visit CAZy bioinformatics web page and contact : cazy@univ-amu.fr.

The CAZy database describes the families of structurally-related catalytic and carbohydrate-binding modules (or functional domains) of enzymes that degrade, modify, or create glycosidic bonds.

Online since 1998, CAZy is a specialist database dedicated to the display and analysis of genomic, structural and biochemical information on Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes (CAZymes).

CAZy data are accessible either by browsing sequence-based families or by browsing the content of genomes in carbohydrate-active enzymes. New genomes are added regularly shortly after they appear in the daily releases of GenBank.
New families are created based on published evidence for the activity of at least one member of the family and all families are regularly updated, both in content and in description.

An original aspect of the CAZy database is its attempt to cover all carbohydrate-active enzymes across organisms and across subfields of glycosciences. Please let us know if some families have escaped our attention, we will be happy to add them !

For a more extensive encyclopedic resource on the particular features of carbohydrate active enzymes, please visit CAZypedia, a web site driven by the scientific community that studies these enzymes.

PULDB is a database of Polysaccharide Utilization Loci (PULs) in Bacteroidetes. PULDB displays information on experimentally determined and predicted PULs for a number of Bacteroidetes genomes.

A new reference for the CAZy database : We summarized the recent changes in the CAZy database, and evolution during the last eight years in an article published the Nucleic Acids Research (Database Issue), with a specific focus on functional annotations.
Read the full paper.

Enzyme Classes currently covered

Modules that catalyze the breakdown, biosynthesis or modification of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates :

- Glycoside Hydrolases (GHs) : hydrolysis and/or rearrangement of glycosidic bonds (see CAZypedia definition)

- GlycosylTransferases (GTs) : formation of glycosidic bonds (see definition)

- Polysaccharide Lyases (PLs) : non-hydrolytic cleavage of glycosidic bonds

- Carbohydrate Esterases (CEs) : hydrolysis of carbohydrate esters

- Auxiliary Activities (AAs) : redox enzymes that act in conjunction with CAZymes.

Associated Modules currently covered

Carbohydrate-active enzymes often display a modular structure with non-catalytic modules appended to the enzymes above

- Carbohydrate-Binding Modules (CBMs) : adhesion to carbohydrates

Genome analysis by CAZy

Family distribution and/or protein listings of the carbohydrate-active enzymes and associated proteins identified in genomes

- Genomes by Kingdom :


Last Functions released

endo-a-1,3-L-fucanase WP_179351272. pubmed
poly-mannuronate preferred alginate lyase (Aly44A)WP_213137828. pubmed
hyaluronate lyase (GAGase VI;HMPREF9151_02550)EKX96148. pubmed
chondroitin lyase / chondroitinase (GAGase V;DHV48_09530)HCY41582.14.2.2.- pubmed
chondroitin lyase / chondroitinase (GAGase IV;GBK04_22705)MPR36080.14.2.2.- pubmed
chondroitin lyase/chondroitinase (GAGase III;H7Z75_16890)MBC7922758.14.2.2.- pubmed
GAG lyase (GAGase II;SAMN06269250_2316)SOD82962.
pubmed pubmed pubmed
Glucuronoyl esterase (PrCE15)8TRX[A,B] pubmed
exo-b-N-acetylmuramidase (NamZ2; TfNamZ2; Tanf_00660)KKY62621. pubmed
exo-b-N-acetylmuramidase (NamZ1; TfNamZ1; Tanf_08370)KKY61290. pubmed
exo-b-1,3-galactanase (PoGal3; PDE_09279)EPS34315. pubmed
glucuronoxylan b-1,2-galactosyltransferase (EgXLPT)XP_010069281.22.4.1.- pubmed
UDP-GlcNAc: Rho [tryrosine] a-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase /antifeeding prophage 18 (Afp18; yruck0001_1570)EEP98478.1
2.4.1.- pubmed
UDP-GlcNAc: selenophosphate b-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (CbSenB; EOO30_07470)RYF17368.12.4.1.- pubmed
pectate lyase (PfPL1; PsPL1; EU509_03255)KAA1163790.1
AYK02508.1 pubmed
Last update: 2024-09-19 © Copyright 1998-2024
AFMB - CNRS - Université d'Aix-Marseille